We’re commissioning community group leaders to co-host conversations about data in Liverpool City Region.
Every day more and more information is collected about what we do and where we live. This information can be used to make better decisions about the future of our local area. It can also get things wrong.
How can we better match how data is used to what residents want to see happen in their area?
We want to ask Liverpool City Region residents that question.
This project has been approved by the University of Liverpool Research Ethics Committee, reference number 12389.

Who can take part?
Any community group that meets online or in-person in Sefton, Halton, Liverpool, Knowsley, St Helens or Wirral can apply.
We are commissioning 20 community group leaders to host conversations about data.
Community groups will be reimbursed for hosting a community data conversation. That includes covering any event costs, vouchers for participants, and payment for hosts.
You do not need to know anything about data to take part.
Taking part looks like:
- Coming to an online or in-person training workshop
- Co-hosting a conversation with your community group on their thoughts on data
- Joining a feedback workshop
Building our public engagement work
The Liverpool City Region Civic Data Cooperative is funded by the LCR Combined Authority and hosted at the University of Liverpool. Our mission is to make data about the LCR work for the people that live here. That means putting residents in the decision making seat on what we do with data.
We run projects in three areas:
- Imagining better services and solutions with data
- Exploring what we can do with data & research
- Engaging community on how they want to use data.
The Community Data Conversations are part of this third area of work. It’s our first step in widening who gets to make decisions about data.
Visit our About page to learn more about the Civic Data Cooperative.
Learn more about our community engagement plans on our Public Engagement page.
Interested in taking part?
If you have any questions you can contact our Public Participation Manager at emily.rempel@liverpool.ac.uk
Register now by clicking the link below:
Register here